Frequently Asked Questions

Legal advice is when a lawyer provides a client or potential client with input on how a certain legal issue should be handled. While legal advice and legal help may feel similar, legal help with a legal issue is when an attorney assists a client with the entire process involved with that particular issue. A client could receive advice for one part of the issue, but legal help is all-encompassing.

If you are injured in a car accident or some other incident involving the negligence of another, it is important that you follow your medical providers’ recommendations. Aside from receiving medical treatment for your injuries, it is also important to communicate your expectations with your attorney. Your attorney cannot effectively advocate for you, if they do not understand how an accident affected you or what your expectations are with regard to the personal injury claim.

A personal injury case is typically dictated by the medical treatment a client receives. In most cases, it is not wise to resolve a claim when a client is still undergoing medical care and treatment. Once a client has completed treatment or there is a firm understanding regarding the medical prognosis for the client, then negotiations can begin regarding the personal injury claim. If the case does not resolve in the early stages of negotiations, then a lawsuit should be filed. A typical lawsuit for personal injury typically takes about 6 months to 2 years depending on the type of injury involved and the location in which the incident occurred

Our firm does not charge for any consultations with any clients. Meeting with our team is free.
Our firm is a contingency-fee firm. This means that our firm does not get paid unless we recover successfully on our client’s behalf. We charge a percentage of the amount that is recovered. We also front all of the costs associated with our clients’ personal injury claims. We do not seek reimbursement of those costs unless we recover successfully for our clients.
Our team is available to our clients at any time. We encourage our clients to call with any questions, comments, or suggestions at any time. We also make ourselves available by email or text messaging. We are happy to communicate with our clients as much or as little as they prefer. Typically, we touch base with our clients at least once a month, if not more frequent.
There are costs involved in pursuing a personal injury claim. These costs are nominal prior to filing a lawsuit. However, the common costs associated with a personal injury claim include obtaining copies of medical records, filing fees with the courts, court reporter fees and/or costs of conducting mediation. These costs are paid for by our firm. These costs are only reimbursed if we recover successfully for our clients.
Every type of personal injury claim has a different statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is the amount of time an individual has to bring a lawsuit. As of 2023, the statute of limitations for a car accident is 2 years from the date the accident occurred.
There are several categories of damages in which a client could seek reimbursement. First and foremost, a client who has been injured in an incident such as a slip and fall or car accident, can seek reimbursement for past and future medical bills. Another category of damages includes loss of income and loss of future earning capacity. In most cases, a client can seek reimbursement for past and future pain and suffering as well.
If you are partly at fault for an incident involving personal injury, it is still worth speaking to an attorney. While a responding officer may cite one party after a car accident or a company alleges that you are partly at fault for what occurred and the resulting injuries, a jury is the entity that ultimately decides and apportions fault. Florida is a comparative fault. What that means is that if you are found 50% at fault for an incident, your jury verdict will be reduced by 50%. A jury can apportion fault with any percentage they see fit as long as it totals 100%.
If another person caused an accident in the State of Florida, your personal injury claim can still be asserted within the state as long as the incident occurred in the state. The fact that an at fault party may reside out of state would not affect whether you have a personal injury claim or not.

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